We want to help you resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.
We are committed to providing high-quality service to everyone we deal with. However, on rare occasions, we recognise that there may be times where our customers may not be completely satisfied.
We treat as a complaint any expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for a response. We listen to your complaints, treat them seriously, and learn from them so that we can continuously improve our service.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not.
Our policy covers complaints about:
- the standard of service we provide
- standard of installation
- standard of product
- the behaviour of our staff
- any action or lack of action by staff affecting an individual or group
Our complaints policy does not cover:
- matters that have already been fully investigated through this complaint’s procedure
- anonymous complaints
How to Complain
We have a 2-stage complaints procedure. At each stage it will help us to resolve your complaint quickly if you can give us as much clear detail as possible, including any documents and correspondence and stating that you are making a complaint in line with our procedure.
As soon as possible, or within 7 days after the completion of works, please carry out a full inspection of the work to ensure everything has been carried out to our usual high standards.
To notify us, call our office: 01308 422963 and you will then be directed to the service department.
Any complaints or works required under guarantee (including defects) can be also emailed to
Written postal complaints are to be sent to:
The Service Department, Heavers of Bridport Ltd, Unit 2, Old Laundry Trading Estate, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3BD. On receipt of a written complaint (email or post), we will contact you within 5 working days from receipt of your notification.
The stages of the complaint’s procedure
Stage 1
This is the first opportunity for the department to resolve a complainant’s dissatisfaction, and most complaints will be resolved at this stage. In the first instance, we will try to get your complaint resolved by our Service Team of the area or team against whom the complaint has been made.
Stage 2
If you are dissatisfied with this response you may request a review by a senior member of staff. Your request should be sent to the postal address listed above and this will be forwarded to the relevant person.
Timescales for handling a complaint
Stage 1 – A maximum 20 working days
- You will receive acknowledgement within 5 working days
- A full response within 20 working days
- You will receive acknowledgement within 5 working days
A full response within 20 working days
Extending time limits
We aim to complete all complaints within the timescales above; however, if a complaint is very complex it may occasionally be necessary to extend the time limit. If this is the case, we will keep the complainant informed of progress with the investigation, the reasons for the delay, and the new deadline.
Following any stage of the procedure, a complainant has a maximum of 28 days from the date of the final response to request that their complaint be progressed to the next stage.
If we are unable to resolve the complaint ourselves, please see below the escalation points
For all work covered by the Independent Network, in the unlikely event of a complaint arising and you wish to refer the complaint to them. In the first instance please submit your concern online at www.inveka.co.uk, selecting “Your Guarantee” and completing the online form. Alternatively, they can be contacted by telephone on 0800 800080.